CDS Balimaya

  • Any natural person who complies with the admission standards established by the board of directors
  • Right to receive notices of, attend and vote at members’ meetings
  •  Eligible as an administrator

Article 48

A member of the corporation is any natural person interested in the purposes and activities of the corporation and complying with the admission standards established from time to time by resolution of the board of directors, to whom the board of directors, upon request for this purpose, grants the status of active member. Active members have the right to participate in all the activities of the corporation, to receive notice of meetings of members, to attend such meetings and to vote therein. They are eligible to be directors of the corporation

Acticle 53

An active member is in good standing with the corporation when he pays his annual dues. An active member in default of paying his annual dues loses his right to vote until he pays his dues.

Articel 54

Any member may withdraw as such at any time, by notifying the secretary of the corporation of such withdrawal. In the case of an active member designated by a corporate member, he must also notify his withdrawal to that corporate member.

Article 55

A member who fails to pay his or her membership fee within one month of the due date may be removed from the corporation by resolution of the board of directors, upon ten days’ written notice. The board of directors may also, by resolution, suspend for a period it determines or permanently remove any member who refuses or fails to comply with the provisions of these by-laws, loses any of the qualifications required to hold membership status, engages in an activity prohibited by the by-laws, commits an act or makes remarks contrary to or incompatible with the objectives of the corporation, or is harmful to the activities or reputation of the corporation or its members. The decision of the board of directors to this end shall be final and without appeal.